Monday, March 17, 2025

CCR productions

 For my CCR's I am going to be doing a podcast to start with. I have m own mics that I am using and my brother will be the second person that I am going to be conversating with. We both have a distinct sense of humor so the conversation of the podcast will flow even though we will both have scripts. I am going to try to make it interesting because as I mentioned a while ago I tore my acl, and tomorrow I have knee surgery. 

I had to add that, I've been waiting for a while to use that joke, A trend isn't over until I do it I guess. I am going to record both CCR's this week with the help of my brother. For the second CCR I am going to have my brother come into my room recording and I am going to be laying in bed with my helpless leg propped up and he will say for a dollar answer these questions.  I will answer these questions in bed yet while also adding inserts of clips and sound effects. As unfortunate as it is that my leg is like this I am going to incorporate it to make things just a little more interesting instead of boring and sad. 

Saturday, March 15, 2025


All the things integrated into  the project were all used separately to work together to create our production now of course. So for the film I really had to get creative. Basically, we used our phones for everything! I found some cool free pictures and videos on Pixabay to set the scene, and recorded some rough sounds and voice bits with my phone's voice memos. When it came to filming, yep, phone again! I even used the screen as a light, which was surprisingly effective. Then, I used Soundboard Tuna to grab some sound effects to make everything sound more interesting. Finally, I put it all together in Adobe Premiere Pro, which was where the real magic happened – editing, syncing the sound, adding effects, all of that fun stuff. We also used my own mics that i’ve had for a little fun of my own, but overall I think our production definitely turned out how we wanted it for the most part. 

Thursday, March 13, 2025


 The second half of the CCR's I am going to be doing something like Billy On The Street. Its almost like an interview in a way where a man walks through the streets of New York and other cities with a microphone and a huge camera asking people questions in exchange for a dollar Billy On The Street. I like this idea for the question because i can add my own spin to it and make it unique in a way 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025


 So the second question for my first CCR is, how does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? As I mentioned before for my first two questions I am going to be doing a podcast and I listed the conventions that I am going to be using and/or challenging. My product will engage with audiences through humor and almost through a conversation with the listeners. I am going to be speaking directly to them along with my cohost at the same time. The podcast reflecting the film opening  can engage audiences by also offering a behind-the-scenes look at the process. It would dive deeper into the project, scriptwriting, filming, editing and sound design, featuring the discussion of the production itself and after. This allows the listeners to understand the challenges of filmmaking. To distribute it as a real media text, the podcast would use the school's website and popular podcast platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts, ensuring that more people had accessibility.

Along with this a small advertisement in the middle of the podcast, connecting with the audience more and also utilize the convention of a podcast. I was thinking about advertising an energy drink which has been a popular thing to advertise in the past three years. Most influencers and other content creators of all kinds have been sponsored by different drink companies like Ghost, Monster, and Bang being a popular one for a couple years. This uses the convention of a podcast and also brings a sense of familiarity to the audience. I am going to be advertising Monster as it is in fact my favorite one of them all, especially the white one!  I am going to advertise a new flavor while incorporating that to my  topic, I will even be drinking something to make it sound like I am drinking the new flavor as I continue to speak throughout the podcast.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Group meeting

Well, meeting with my group we all had good insights on each others projects giving decent feedback. My group spoke about the struggles that we faced filming, and I shared the disgusting first try at making our fake blood. We spoke about a better way of editing and we shared our preferred techniques and our favorite ways to handle things. We all have different preferences like some of us said that we are going to start editing now even though our filming is not done just to get it going, and then others said that they want to completely finish filming before they start editing anything. 

We showed each other our projects and they are really good so far, majority of my group mates did dramas or comedies, and another did a coming of age involving peer pressure. I don't know if we should feel unique and original or left out because my group is the only group I know that is doing a horror type of film. I am trying to keep the mindset of original. Another group mate told us about their project and the story idea kind of made me laugh, it was about a younger unathletic brother looking up to his older and athletic brother as inspiration and the younger brother just sucks at sports, so they definitely got the comedy part down. 

For the rest of meeting we all enjoyed our time talking about how things were going and our plans for our ccr's, most planned a talk show, one of them planned a game show I don't know how that would work but he's creative with it I guess. I plan on doing a podcast which I know may be seen as the "easiest" thing to do but I dont think its about easy or hard but about creative or not. SOOOO I am going to make it creative and put my own spin on it as much as I can. 
We were all sitting in a circle just talking and I honestly had  great time talking to them, they were funny and we had some pretty good conversations about our projects and even school.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

post production pt1

 Alright here we are editing…! we’ve finally finished the filming and we are putting everything together. Luis is going to add a lot of the things to the editing itself because he’s had very wonderful ideas of what to add like sound effects and I suggest the music to add, it’s eerie and definitely will go well. The editing will be very well thought out because that’s where a lot of the magic happens, the actual film isn’t where everything come to life in my opinion it’s when everything is put together and all the little details and final touches are put in, now that’s where the life it. Although the most tedious though, it’s all so important and we’re hoping to create a really good production. 

Here is the start of the editing process, seems a little empty now but soon it’ll be filled up with all the little elements and ingredients if you will to bring this production to life. 

Friday, March 7, 2025

production #4

Soo this week we finally recorded again at nicks house and it was a couple of trials and tribulations. At first we tried to make a blood concoction and it suckedddddd. It was not the right color it was disgusting overall, but then we finally perfected it and it started to look really good. Nick cut off the arm sleeves of the costume that he had to make it look better than it was before because the only costume and the way he conveyed the zombie character in the original scenes were also bad so he redid them and it turned out even better. The scenes of the mom dying were done and the new and improved blood was put to much use everything turned out the way we wanted it to and it went very well. 

 This is the revised blood concoction that turned out to be better. 

And this is nicks beautiful costume that we used. 

CCR productions

 For my CCR's I am going to be doing a podcast to start with. I have m own mics that I am using and my brother will be the second person...