Saturday, March 8, 2025

post production pt1

 Alright here we are editing…! we’ve finally finished the filming and we are putting everything together. Luis is going to add a lot of the things to the editing itself because he’s had very wonderful ideas of what to add like sound effects and I suggest the music to add, it’s eerie and definitely will go well. The editing will be very well thought out because that’s where a lot of the magic happens, the actual film isn’t where everything come to life in my opinion it’s when everything is put together and all the little details and final touches are put in, now that’s where the life it. Although the most tedious though, it’s all so important and we’re hoping to create a really good production. 

Here is the start of the editing process, seems a little empty now but soon it’ll be filled up with all the little elements and ingredients if you will to bring this production to life. 

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 So the second question for my first CCR is, ho w does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media te...