Friday, March 7, 2025

production #4

Soo this week we finally recorded again at nicks house and it was a couple of trials and tribulations. At first we tried to make a blood concoction and it suckedddddd. It was not the right color it was disgusting overall, but then we finally perfected it and it started to look really good. Nick cut off the arm sleeves of the costume that he had to make it look better than it was before because the only costume and the way he conveyed the zombie character in the original scenes were also bad so he redid them and it turned out even better. The scenes of the mom dying were done and the new and improved blood was put to much use everything turned out the way we wanted it to and it went very well. 

 This is the revised blood concoction that turned out to be better. 

And this is nicks beautiful costume that we used. 

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 So the second question for my first CCR is, ho w does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media te...